Sunday, January 13, 2008

Response to Design Comments....

Thank you to everyone who has posted a comment about the three design concepts for the new W&M web site. We truly appreciate your feedback on the project!

Just a few things I'd like to clear up...

The images you see on each design are placeholders. On every concept a different image will load every time the page is loaded... so don't worry too much if Thomas Jefferson in sunglasses isn't your style.

Someone also commented that the designs don’t fit on an 800x600 screen without horizontal scrolling. These concepts are designed for visitors with 1024x768 resolutions or higher. This is considered the standard screen size in modern web design. We must use the latest web standards so our new site won't appear dated after only a year or two.

Lastly: in spite of W&M's record, we aren't picking a web design for the next 7-10 years; whichever design we choose will change. In the life of a typical web site, the design will receive a minor overhaul after about 2 years. The site will probably be completely redesigned 4 or 5 years from now.

Of course I truly hope everyone loves the new W&M web site. But if you don't, remember: this isn't a lifetime commitment-- it's the web, and it changes pretty fast.

Thank you again for your support.

Joel Pattison

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why not design for something that works at all resolutions forever, rather than a fixed width that looks "...dated after only a year or two." and require a "complete[] redesign[] 4 or 5 years from now."

On the other hand, shouldn't I focus my effort on things that are worth keeping, and not commit to something as transient as the current design?